...Pyree and Usaroflyin...
Pyree and Usaroflyin

+ Intro + Story + Search + Hatchling + Adult +
+ Ryslen + Seiryuu Weyr + Ferilon Farms + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Pyree had been quite taken with the whole of Ryslen, with it's bustling corridors and rather large dragon population. She'd been Searched by Aislinn when the Flurry had already had two hatchings, and watched the products of them with awe. They were so beautiful! Duowings, rainbows, wilds, ghost-wings, even two called "hydras" she was warned away from.

They were all marvelous, excellent reflections of their mothers and fathers. She watched them daily, now accompanied by grown Fádë and Isone. Fádë tended to be a little mischevous and got into trouble constantly, Pyree was in the midst of rescuing her from yet another situation when the call came that the rest of the eggs were dead. "Dead, what do you mean dead?" she demanded of the boy who brought the message. "They've gone cold...the mage-girl affected them somehow." he said in a sympathetic voice. Immediately Pyree ran to the sands where several of the mothers stood, looming sadly over the remaining eggs.

She cried. Cried for the unborn hatchlings who never got their chance at the world, to show what they were made of. Cried for herself and those left without bonds. Mostly, she cried for the mothers...those poor dragonesses whose children had died. No parent should have to bury their children...it was awful. They sat stoically on the sands, not allowing a single egg to be removed. Who knows, they may make it yet.

It was with a startled shout that Pyree responded to the calls of the clutch-mothers; some of the eggs were moving! She fairly ran to the sands, just as two eggs crashed into one another and shattered, dumping two rainbow-marked hatchlings. They approached their respective bonds as yet another green hatched, this one marked with black and white as well.

But Pyree's attention was drawn away from the green, for out of a smaller egg struggled one of the more odd looking hatchlings Pyree had seen. For she had no wings, just bare wing-arms. The wingless snowflake-marked purple looked small and defenseless...Pyree found herself actually crooning at the female. To her great surprise, the purple teetered over to her and they bonded! My name is Usaroflyin... the wingless dragonet said to Pyree, delicately pulling a bit of eggshell from her feathered tail.

"Why have you no wings, little Usaroflyin?" Pyree had to ask as they exited the sands in search of meat. I will have wings to carry you home with, bondmine. I've yet to grow them in. They will be feathery, like my mothers. the purple responded and made a soft purring noise. Pyree smiled.

"And they will be magnificent..."