...Pyree and Usaroflyin...
Pyree and Usaroflyin

+ Intro + Story + Search + Hatchling + Adult +
+ Ryslen + Seiryuu Weyr + Ferilon Farms + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Armored bears, Svalbard, and all other materials referring to the His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman are (c) to him and Random House, Inc.

Name:Pyree Hudison
Age:Close to 24 in pernese years
Species:Ursael (bear-shifter), polar bear
Mate:Modomnoc Hudison
Parents:Mother - Meara Goshnson
Father - Anthaus Goshnson
Siblings:brother, Ciolad Anthausson who is living with her parents
Pets:Marble green chibi flit, Isone from Seiryuu Weyr; Black-charcoal-lavender ferilon, Fade from Ferilon Farms
Bond:Featherwinged Purple Usaroflyin
Bonded at:Ryslen
Eyes:Medium brown
Fur/Hair:Creamy white
Height:All fours, bear form: 5'7"
Upright, bear form: 9'
Human form: 5'8"
Personality:Slightly ditsy, easily distracted and very girly, Pyree is the "softer side" of a bear. Her personality is very innocent and carefree, despite what she is. She likes watching snow fall, observing the Aurora and making up silly songs about nature at her most bored, and can some times be brutally honest about things. If there is an attack, she'll fight right next to her comrades, however. Though she's a drama queen and overreacts after the danger is gone if she has even the slightest wound. She's also one of the few of the troop who would prefer not to fight at all, and make friends, as it were. She's never actually killed anything or anyone crossing the border, she only defends herself and the cubs, if need be.

[ Hatchling ]

Name:Usaroflyin (pron: oo-sar-O-flynn)
Gender: Female
Bond:Pyree Anthauson
Mate:Avengaean Earth Laudu Lenudah
Birthplace:Flurry 2003
Dam:Featherwinged Reatilirinth
Sire:Blue-winged White Dhurolyth
Personality:Her fragile-looking form belies a strong mind and powerful focus. Usaro' plays on this feature to trick people into thinking she is weak and uses their underestimation against them. She is friendly to those she trusts and is fiercely protective of Pyree and her naive nature. Also, she is vain about her feathers and grooms them meticulously.

w. PailuathakBlue Fadelain
Red-striped Blue Yu
Red-striped Green Criss
Purple Realiex
w. Laudu LenudahPurple-Brown Zotto Usadah
Blue-Brown Opuretu Usadah
Gold-Brown Quatre Usadah
Green-Brown Bokuhi Usadah
Orange-Brown Ceteri Usadah
Silver-Brown Duban Usadah
Gold-Brown Guari Usadah
Blue-Brown Ordinah Usadah
Starry-Brown Jhessa Usadah
Purple-Brown Ippin Usadah
Gold-Brown Marinna Usadah
Aqua-Brown Itaque Usadah