...Illtud and Subject 21...
Illtud and Subject 21

+ Crew Listing + Stats + Story + Decision + Bond +
+ Twisted Fate + DF's Shadows, Nightmares & Madness + Nidus Corona + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Name:Illtud (Tud), Serial #: ILP015793
Species:Vulpyr (rodent-shifter), pine marten
Rank:....to cause mischief?
Hair:Reddish orange, messy
Height:human- 5'5"
half shift- 5'9",
full shift (length)- 4'3"
Appearance:Short, stocky and hairy describe Tud the best. His red-brown eyes are constantly wide and staring in a hopeful way. He's mostly seen cackling in his half-shift form, sharp lower teeth exposed and slightly drooling. Have we mentioned he's not the sharpest spoon in the drawer? Like the rest of his crewmates, he has an identification mark tattooed to the back of his neck,
Personality:Tud is...interesting. He plots constantly to play minor pranks on the rest of the crew, and cause general chaos about the ship. Gods only know why he was chosen for the experimental program, unless it was the experiments that warped his brain. Tud never really talks, he only answers questions with a gleeful cackle and by manically rubbing his hands together.

Name:Subject 21
Abilities:Empathy, Fear Aura, Godshard, Plane-Shifting, Shapeshifting (Monstrous Human), Spirit Communion, Telepathy, Undeath, Vocal/Verbal Speech.
Birthplace:Twisted Fate
Personality:Suffice to say, 21 is a bit bewildered with... life, or unlife as it were. All he knows is one day he just was, and where he was was on the seemingly uninhabited Singularity's Scream. Then Illtud returned home, drooling, half-insane, yet welcoming to the odd patchwork dragon. All 21 knows is Illtud is kind to him in his own, shambling and not wholly cognizant way, that the shifter is apparently in need of some kind of help he wasn't getting, and that the Scream seemed like a safe enough home. 21 is kind, earnest and eager to please, much like a young child. He's also a little bumbling much of the time, and despite his fearsome appearance, 21 would never hurt a fly.

Color:Green-Black; "Frankenstein"
Birthplace:Nidus Corona
Personality:Uh is so named for the only sound he can make, a long "uuuuh" moan. He's a real cuddle monster and will sit and moan for hours until a lap is made available to him.