...Pitegra and Chyririnth...
Pitegra and Chyririnth

+ Stats + Bond +
+ Edge of Shadows + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Name:Pitegra Brightfeather
Species:Winged Human
Bond:Flamingo Pink Chyririnth
Bonded at:Chaos of Color
Eyes:Warm black
Hair:Dark black, hip length and done up in (usually messy) odangos on either side of her head.
Appearance:Pitegra is a fairly attractive female, with richly tanned skin and long dark hair. A pair of pale green feathered wings sprout from her shoulder blades, not large enough to give her full flight capabilities, but enough to allow her to glide on strong air currents she can call up or safely down to the ground from up high.
Personality:Through the immense amount of adversity she has had to face, Pitegra has flourished into a loud, friendly and overall well rounded young woman. She's got a solid head on her shoulders and puts it to good use in managing her family's line of beauty products full time. Her favorite pass time is hitting local bars, getting spectacularly drunk and hitting on everyone in sight. Of all her family, she's had the most success in covering up her unfortunate curse with a mesh of spells and other appearance-altering objects. She's also the only one to even come close to finding out how to break the rotten curse.
History:In the past, a nameless relative offended an old bog witch by calling her a "stinking old hag" and numerous other names no doubt referring to her lack of personal hygiene. Most bog witches shrug these kinds of insults off, but this particular one happened to be infatuated with the man. All of Pitegra's family seemed to possess astonishingly good looks, accented by their oft multicolored wings. In her rage, the witch cursed the man and all who may follow in his bloodline to be the victims of a most grievous lack of cleanliness or the ability to make themselves clean.

From there after, the whole of the Brightfeather clan found they could never wash themselves clean of any kind of filth. No matter how often they bathed or how hard they scrubbed, their bodies and clothes were never able to be cleaned. Over the centuries they have made due with perfumes and spells and nearly five baths a day each. It's a wonder the bloodline managed to continue itself at all. The mark of true love is being able to stand years of B.O., heavy perfumes, and the prospect that all your children would be similarly afflicted.

Breed:Old World Mutt
Abilities:Teleportation, Telepathy, Pyrokinisis
Color:Flamingo Pink
Birthplace:Chaos of Color
Dam:Flamingo Vaoth
Sire:Copper-Sunset Morleeoth
Siblings:Clutch #5
Personality:It was quite the surprise that Chyririnth chose the young, shy, and smelly little thing Pitegra used to be. Over the years, the dragoness' strong and sassy personality bolstered her bond's, helping the little girl of the past to grow in to the strong-willed and confident woman of today. She reminds everyone of an old diner waitress, brightly colored with a saucy attitude. It also helps that she has the habit of calling everyone she meets "sugar" or "shug".

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere