...Bwael Fuer'yon and Naran...
Bwael Fuer'yon and Naran

+ Stats + Bond +
+ Edge of Shadows + The Bower + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Name:Bwael Fuer'yon
Breed:Supernal Dragon
Abilities:Banish, Lighting Breath Weapon, Fire Immunity, Sizeshift, Shapeshift - Human, Shapeshift - Lion, Heal Others
BirthplaceEdge of Shadows
Personality:Bwael is very benevolent in nature, kind to all things she comes across and monk-like in her doings. However, invoke her wrath and you'll meet a swift end you never saw coming. She dislikes having to kill, even if it is the most vile nasty-thing she's ever seen, but is not afraid to do so if innocents are threatened. She prefers to "rehabilitate" evil creatures with cleansing rituals and banishment of malevolent spirits.

Flight History

[ Kit ]

Breed:Eastern Flurrier/Alskyrian/Unknown/Whorling/Asandus Hybrid
Abilities:Telepathy, Verbal Speech, Healing Magic, Song Magic, Alter Physical Structure (Ice)
BirthplaceThe Bower
Dam:White-Black Aria
Sire:White-Gray Nasa Promontores
Siblings:Clutch #16W
Personality:In Naran, Bwael has found the perfect apprentice, protege, assistant, nearly everything she could have hoped and dreamed for. Naran is serious about learning Bwael's "trade" so that she can help stem the influx of evil. Though while Bwael does not like the taking of a life, Naran is... less than ambivalent about it. It could be laziness, it could be that she just likes seeing the complete eradication of evil, but Naran prefers to completely destroy the source by killing rather than trusting banishment and cleansing rituals to do the job. Why trust a spell and risk a "relapse" when a quick death can rid you of the source entirely?

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere