...Dabri Silvacaela...
Dabri Silvacaela

+ Stats + Story + Bond +
+ The Bower + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

[ Hatchling ]

Name:Dabri Silvacaela
Breed:Drak/Avenagaean Cascatan/Hathian/Alskyrian/Gem Dragon Hybrid
Abilities:Water Magic, Telepathy, Partial Shifting Abilities, Water Breathing, Summon Otters
Colours-Based Abilities: Can create blasts of sand, Can create sandy Whirlwinds, Can summon sand dunes
BirthplaceThe Bower
Dam:Glass Ysskiz
Sire:Black Bormaike Silvacaela
Siblings:Clutch #19B
Personality:Dabri is a very unconsciously sensual dragon, he moves with an almost feminine and controlled grace. Outwardly he may seem the very essence of poise, beauty and confidence, inwardly he is anything but. Dabri has little confidence in himself or his skills, so much that he seems like a perpetual child, seeking the reassurance from those around him that he is valued and loved and he is as attractive as others say he is. Dabri never fully trusts those around him when they compliment him, but he still actively seeks this praise and validation.

Flight History