...Edyahtith & Kurrerr...
Edyahtith & Kurrerr

+ Stats + Story +
+ Chaos of Color + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Breed:Wyld/Fedra Mutt
Abilities:Morpheokinesis (lvl. 4), Invincibility, Rainbow Flame Breath (lvl. 4), Alter Physical Structure: Ice
Color:Rainbow-Star Sky Blue
BirthplaceChaos of Color
Dam:Yellow-Blue Ganytha
Sire:Iridescent Bronze-White-Rainbow Simoerdeeth
Siblings:Clutch #3
Bond:Yellow-Red Chrome and Rainbow Kurrerr
Bonded at:Chaos of Color
Personality:In spide of her bright and colorful appearance, Edda is a darker individual. She seems to either be in a perpetual state of sadness or in the worst mood ever, snapping at anyone who steps too close. Otherwise she's relatively cool to the few people and dragons she considers friends. No one can ever claim to have been smothered in affection by her, that's for sure.

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere

Breed:Dracanian/Fionabhainn/Whorling Hybrid
Abilities:Telepathy, Teleportation, Hide Pattern Control (Chameleon), Verbal Speech, Energy Expulsion: Light (Rainbow)
Color:Yellow-Red Chrome and Rainbow
BirthplaceChaos of Color
Dam:Half-Peacock Purple Ceyri
Sire:Pale Rainbowy Prism Chrome
Siblings:Clutch #20
Personality:Similarly bright in personality, Kurrerr loves to talk. And talk. And TALK. As a matter of fact, there is hardly a moment when he is not eating, drinking or sleeping that he is not talking. It isn't a rapid-fire babble of annoying nonsense however, he's always engaged in conversation with someone or another. He is generally pleasant to be around, it seems he feels that he must make up for his bond's general moodiness. The only fault anyone can find is his deplorable sense of cleanliness. Oh, he can take care of himself alright, but when it comes to picking up his own messes... he needs some kind of personal assistant.

Flight History