...Enshoku, Stir be Hollow & Vhaid Kiona...
Enshoku, Stir be Hollow & Vhaid Kiona

+ Stats + Story + Bond +
+ Athanasia + Valley of the Sky + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Breed:Hybrid Catdragon
Abilities:Verbal Speech, Teleporation, Sleep-Mist Breath Weapon, Sonic Speed, Negative Matter
Color:Orange-winged Red
BirthplaceEdge of Shadows
Bonds:Stir be Hollow & Vhaid Kiona
Bonded at:Athanasia & Valley of the Sky
Personality:Eshoku is a champion for all that is good and light in the world. She has a deep hatred for anything even slightly related to evil, Inabikari included. So she has made it her ambition to counter all the evilness he brings back with him from the Nexus by sponsoring dragons of the purest, most noble virtue. The two see this as a bit of a competition, and are constantly butting heads over it (and everything else should they partake in a conversation).

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere

[ Hatchling ]

Name:Stir be Hollow
Abilities:Verbal speech, Fire breath, Magical Immunity
Dam:Red Hearth
Sire:Black Obscurity into Infinity
Siblings:Clutch #1
Personality:Oh boy, this is certainly a match made in heaven. Or...the other place. Stir be Hollow is certainly close to his bond, to the extent that he gets jealous of any male dragon that comes near her. He is a loner by nature and doesn't care much for the company of other dragons, and he can become quite vicious when he gets annoyed. Enshoku is the center of his world, however, and he'll do anything to make her happy.

Flight History

[ Hatchling ]

Name:Vhaid Kiona
Breed: Avengaean Daemon/Eastern Nazo Mutt
Abilities:Telepathy, Vocal Speech
BirthplaceValley of the Sky
Dam:Rainbowy Spiffysplotchy Gray Multra Kiona
Sire:Gold ribbon Red Sereseno
Siblings:Clutch #5
Personality:Vhaid and his bond-brother care deeply for Enshoku, though they resent having to share her between the two. They act as her bodyguards and assistants (though she honestly has need for neither) and will do anything to please her. Vhaid himself has taken up his bond's crusade to stamp out evil by flooding the world with more and more good, regardless of anything like a balance or whatnot. His arrogance is such that as long as it's good it's right, no matter what, and heaven forbid anyone try to prove him wrong... he'll hold a grudge for millennia.

Flight History