...Helivath and Kerinthicus Selamputo...
Helivath and Kerinthicus Selamputo

+ Stats + Story +
+ Darkling Dawn + The Bower + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Breed:Old World
BirthplaceDarkling Dawn
Dam:Green Opoysith
Sire:Bronze Mnelilth
Siblings:Clutch #17
Personality:One could call him your typical bronze - being arrogant, pig-headed and the like - but apparently there's a little blue thrown into this dragon's genetics. Helivath is a tail-chaser if there ever was one. It doesn't matter what color or species a female is, if she's rising, there will be a definite chance Hel' will try and wrangle a spot in her flight. On the other hand, he has his noble moments, is loyal to a fault, and incredibly stubborn

Flight History
1Gold AlanysathLostRyslen

[ Hatchling ]

Name:Kerinthicus Selamputo
Breed:Hathian/Piralan/Gryvern/Lesser Kynnese/Schatternaki/Geperna/Whorling/Featherdragon/Old World/Danachian/SCD/Iullerbrillan Mutt
Abilities:Shape Shifting (Anything), Telepathy, Conjure Fire
BirthplaceThe Bower
Dam:White-Black Pola-deni
Sire:Red Neinau Selamputo
Siblings:Gen. 10
Personality:Woe betide the unfortunate place that this pair of womanizing dragons descends upon in the heat of, well... heat. Helivath has had a few turns to "cool his fire" so to speak, but Kerinthicus is fresh, ready and rarin' to sew his wild oats. What's worse, he's had Heli' as a mentor... Though each dragon definitely has his own style. While Helivath may just single out a female and blatantly ask, "Hey... y'wanna doink-doink?", Kerni' has developed a more suave approach, complete with flowers, french-gibberish and dragon-sized tango.

Flight History