...Hidacker Ironmagus and Himah-aisi...
Hidacker Ironmagus and Himah-aisi

+ Stats + Bond +
+ The Bower + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Name:Hidacker Ironmagus
Species:Antropomorphic Jackalope
Abilities:Ironworking (ability to mold and shape only iron magically), Low level fire magic
Eyes:Rich Brown
Hair:Messy white roan, tipped with black and jaw length.
Personality:Take a creature that looks fairly jumbled up to begin with, stretch it out, make it walk on two feel ill-suited for bipedal movement and then give said creature potentially dangerous magical powers... and you have Hidacker. She's big, she's clumsy, and she's possessed with the will to overcome all. She's also rather loud and raucous, with a penchant for getting absolutely shattered (read: very, very drunk) and attempting to work. Here's where the 'potentially dangerous' comes in...

Breed:Schatternaki/Geperna/Whorling/Featherdragon/Old World/Danachian/SCD/Iullerbrillan Mutt
Abilities:Burning Mist Breath, Camouflage, Summon Gale-Force Wind
Color:Red/White-banded Bronze
BirthplaceThe Bower
Dam:Black-Red-Silver Sila-saph
Sire:Black-Red-White Aicri'Myay
Personality:Himah may well be the exact opposite of Hidacker. She rarely speaks and doesn't make much of an effort to make friends aside from Hidacker. One is rarely seen without the other tagging along, mostly because Himah is rather clingy to her caretaker. Though Himah does have one passion, and that's playing "chess" with other people. Rather, organizing for certain incompatible people to be trapped together for long periods of time and watch what happens.

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere