...Inabikari, Xchi'xoi & Kwena'ona...
Inabikari, Xchi'xoi & Kwena'ona

+ Stats + Bond + Adventures in Sponsoring +
+ Edge of Shadows + Ihlathi + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Breed:Hybrid Catdragon
Abilities:Teleportation, telepathy, verbal speech, poisonous bite, wall-climbing, create lightning spiders, call lightning
Color:Lightning-winged Red-Black
BirthplaceChaos of Color
Dam:Lightning Gold Alardoloth
Sire:Black-Red Manjushage
Siblings:Clutch #16
Current Charges:Gray-Lavender Keigai, Black-White Onaniza
Minions:Guess, Hissuei
Bonds:Xchi'xoi & Kwena'ona
Bonded at:Ihlathi
Personality:Though Ina' may not be truly evil, he sure does have a mean streak a mile wide. Nothing is more amusing to him than throwing sarcastic barbs at anyone foolish enough to engage him in conversation, or bluntly pointing flaws in others appearance or work. To him, a day where he hasn't sent anyone running away, crying is a day wasted. He also absolutely cannot keep a secret. Rather, he enjoys divulging anything anyone tells him to the whole world for them to point and laugh with him. However, if Inabikari finds the tables turned and it is he who is being laughed at, he will not hesitate to outright attack those having fun at his expense.

Flight History
1Dark Opal Jik-towWonBWR
w. Jik-tow Lightning-Streaked Antique Silver Aphapatim
Black-Red-White Axunawen
Antique Silver Ciru
Gold Dollaw
Gold Leliwiy
Bronze Odomanut
Black-White Onaniza
Dark Opal Osobixem
Lightning-streaked Black-Green Axit-Uril
Metallic Black-Red Ileb-yen
Tan-Lavender Iro-nen
Black Kuro-mei
Black-Teal Nas-sur

Name:Xchi'xoi Gredelle
Breed:Henne'lel Mutt
Abilities:Conjure Fire, Fire Breath, Water Manipulation, Shape Shifting (Unlimited), Verbal Speech
Bonds:Inabikari & Kwena'ona
Dam:Brown Zein-mui
Sire:Cran Gredelle
Personality:Beware of dragoness! Xchi'xoi is the kind of dragon that even a mother is hard pressed to love. Arrogant, sarcastic, and unmerciful, Xchi'xoi loves to cause others pain in anyway that she can, short of physically attacking them. She has a thousand tricks up her sleeve, endless ways to shock and hurt people... it is really the only way that she amuses herself. Doubtless, Xchi'xoi bonded Inabikari just to be a thorn in his paw. Not only will she be good at laughing at his expense, but with their mental bond and her strong abilities she will be out of his reach in regards to revenge. There will be rare times, of course, that Xchi'xoi will work with her bond- helping him make sure that their day isn't wasted nor boring. Woe to the people that will have to live with these two, the tricks and bickering will be endless. And good luck to Guess, Hissuei, and Friskers... if Xchi'xoi has fun bothering Inabikari, she will have a great time with them.

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere

Name:Kwena'ona Jisuins
Breed:Bre'Ama/Cliff Dragon mix
Abilities:Fire Manipulation, Wind Manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Shape Shifting (Unlimited), Verbal Speech
Bonds:Inabikari & Xchi'xoi
Dam:Wrellin Jisuins
Personality: Kwena'ona took one look at Inabikari and his bond and knew that she had found her place in the world. Her dark personality and strange sense of fun made her a perfect match for both dragons. She bonded them, more for a liking of them both rather than for Xchi's reason of bothering Inabikari. Of course, despite her liking of Inabikari, Kwena will most likely take part in a good number of Xchi's schemes and pranks (against her bond and others). Kwena likes fun, and particularly the mischievous kind. Kwena will also work with Inabikari- hopefully making the trio's day altogether better. All in all, Kwena is just as mean as both her bonds, and she is a partner in crime to both. Splitting her time between two malicious dragons will not be a problem for Kwena and her bonds may be surprised at her devotion to the both of them.

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere