...Kinzokuou Okibi'Houou...
Kinzokuou Okibi'Houou

+ Stats + Bond +
+ Nidus Otykaii + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Name:Kinzokuou Okibi'Houou
Abilities:Magic-assisted flight, Fire magic, Burn not, Verbal speech, Extended lifespan
BirthplaceNidus Otykaii
Personality:Kinzokuou is a rather painfully shy and antisocial dragon. He's the biggest nerd on the planet though, with a special passion for chemistry and other sciences. He'd much rather be hunched over a microscope or Bunsen burner than have an actual conversation with anyone. Oh he's a complete and utter nerd, brilliant when it comes to things like balancing chemical equations or titrating a solution, but completely hopeless when it comes to asking a girl he has a crush on out.

Flight History