...M'piarein & V'leeniaawy...
M'piarein & V'leeniaawy
+ Stats + Story +
+ Mirus + Draco's Inferno Weyr +
Name: | M'piarein ty Yatren Alamyr |
Age: | Adult |
Breed: | Mirusian |
Gender: | Male
Abilities: | Vocal Speech, Limited Telepathy, Teleportation, Ice Magic |
Color: | Orange |
Birthplace | Mirus |
Dam: | Iodine Sh'naya ty Veonas Alamyr |
Sire: | Gold R'kistren ty Talur Drassen |
Bond: | Iodine-Fire V'leeniaawy ty Miashaw Alamyr |
Bonded at: | Mirus |
Personality: | M'piarein is silly. He acts, most of the time, as if he's rather drunk, for while he is generally very laid-back and relaxed regardless of the circumstances, if something stirs his temper he can become very argumentative, if not particularly eloquent when he speaks. He feels things very powerfully, but is often at a loss as to how best to express such them. |
Flight History |
# | Female | Outcome | Where |
Offspring | Sons | Daughters |
Name: | V'leeniaawy ty Miashaw Alamyr |
Age: | Adult |
Breed: | Mirus/Drak Mix |
Gender: | Neuter |
Abilities: | Verbal Speech, Limited Mental Speech, Acid Spitting, Teleportation |
Color: | Iodine-Fire |
Bond: | M'piarein ty Yatren Alamyr |
Birthplace | Mirus |
Dam: | Mud Shynnshaw |
Sire: | Blue K'lemia ty Therial Alamyr |
Personality: | V'leen' is a calm sort, watching M'pi's antics with a bemused sort of smile and a gentle explanation to the bewildered bystanders that "that's just how M'pi is". It is also unfettered by the tempter and passion that M'pi feels when angered or upset, and finds getting it's point across clearly more easy, and often ends up speaking it's frustrated bond. |