...Naiya & Joudama...
Naiya & Joudama

+ Stats + Story + Bond +
+ Valley of the Sky + Ryslen + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Breed:Carbon Elementdragon
Abilities:Telepathy, Size-Shifting (with consumption of extra carbon), Unbreakable Hide, Eat Anything (able to consume and gain nutrition and energy from any animal, vegetable, mineral, or even gas that is carbon-based)
BirthplaceValley of the Sky
Personality:Naiya is everybody's friend, there's yet to be one soul that doesn't like Naiya right off the bat. She's kind, she's giving, she's sweet and cute as a button, she loves making new friends while simultaneously strengthening old relationships. People seem to perk right up in her presence - though that might be because Naiya is constantly absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and relieving it of it's carbon, releasing pure O2 in it's place. She's a good critter to have in an overpopulated, enclosed space, that's for sure. Naiya does have a tough side however, and while she prefers friendship rather than conflict, she doesn't have a problem having a few sharp words to someone acting like an ass. As long as they can all be friends in the end. If Naiya has one flaw in her saccharine personality, it's that she's a bit of a glutton. There's just so much delicious carbon out there in right at her clawtips!

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere

[ Hatchling | Juvenile ]

Personality:Joudama isn't quite as friendly with strangers as Naiya is, she's much more reserved. She's a bit envious of Naiya and her ease with everyone, but attributes this at least partly by her consumption of carbon. Mostly Joudama's jealous that Naiya wants to spend so much time away from her. You might say she's a bit possessive, but that's one hell of an understatement. Joudama is very demanding of Naiya's attention and hates it when she actually wants to, y'know, go out and interact with others. Of course she understands that Naiya can't stay inside with her all day, so doesn't complain or makes her possessive desire known when she leaves. That doesn't mean she won't mope around their weyr, grumbling under her breath until she gets back, though.

Flight History