...Renorniar & Harless...
Renorniar & Harless

+ Stats + Story + Bond +
+ The Mobius Ship + Falas Weyr + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Breed:Black Dragonfish
Abilities:Telepathy, Eternal Patience, Hunters Mark (Water), Distracting Eye
BirthplaceNeoGeen's Deep Sea Giveaway
Personality:Renorniar is the beast that sailors fear when sailing through dark, icy waters. She is the beast that haunts their nightmares and their daydreams, the hulking form that rubs against the hull of their ships to remind them that she's there and is very capable of dragging them all down to the deeps should she so desire. Renorniar lives up to all these dark fears and more, her favorite meal is not fish, but the flesh of men. She still lusts for the hunt, and so will choose a ship she feels will be amusing to track and then torment them throughout their entire voyage, only to finally pluck them from the surface a few miles from safe port.

Swim History
#Caught ByWhere

Breed:Alskyrian Deep Sea Dragon
Abilities:T-Power (lvl 5), Verbal Speech, Electric Shock, Electric Shock Wave, Echolocation
BirthplaceFalas Weyr
Dam:Blue Palayess
Sire:Purple-Green Enianess
Personality:Poor Harless is well-meaning, eager, and willing to work hard, but he's also a bit bumbling. He wants nothing more than to be seen as fearsome as Renorniar, and has attached himself to her as a kind of mentor-intern relationship, but he has difficulty with the whole... fearsome thing. Oh sure, he's got the scary face and terrifying roar thing going on, and can be quite frightening when practicing on his own, but when it comes to actually putting these hard-won skills to use? It doesn't work out quite that great. And Renorniar isn't so much a mentor to Harless, but being stalked by him. Poorly, at that. She's tried to chase him off several times, since his fumbling attempts to be as terror-inducing as she have caused a disruption in her hunting, but he always comes right back. If there's one thing Harless does have in spades, it's tenacity and an unwillingness to quit.

Swim History