...V'nesawia ty Miashaw Alamyr...
V'nesawia ty Miashaw Alamyr

+ Stats + Story + Bond +
+ Mirus + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Name:V'nesawia ty Miashaw Alamyr (Nessa)
Breed:Mirusian/Drak Mutt
Abilities:Verbal Speech (Accented), Acid Spitting, Shadow Magic, Teleportation
Dam:Mud Shynnshaw
Sire:Blue K'lemia ty Therial Alamyr
Personality:Nessa is a very frustrating dragoness. She is thoughtful and likes to ponder every decision before making it, to the point of over-thinking things. She can also be extremely indecisive, mostly when it comes to the most minor of choices; whether she would like to lay in the sun or bathe in the lake, what to have for breakfast, etc. When pressured, she makes impulse choices and really over-thinks them later.

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere