...Helleri and Kaieth...
Helleri and Kaieth

+ Intro + Story + Search + Hatchling + Adult +
+ Starburst Weyr + Cathair Fionabhainn + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Armored bears, Svalbard, and all other materials referring to the His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman are (c) to him and Random House, Inc.

Name:Helleri Forgeronson
Age:16 in Pernese turns
Species:Ursael (bear-shifter), polar bear
Parents:Mother - Kasatka Sirynson
Father - Forgeron Sirynson
Siblings:Brother, Rølvaag Forgeronson
Rank:Future Soldier (she's too young to fight)
Pets:Silver evil flit, Ryniv from Cathair Fionabhainn
Bond:Gold w.Bronze Kaieth
Bonded at:Starburst Weyr
Eyes:Warm brown, like her mother's
Fur/Hair:Creamy white
Height:All fours, bear form: 4'5"
Upright, bear form: 5'11"
Human form: 5'4"
Personality:Fierce and competitive, Helleri is a little fireball. She can't wait until the day she can fight to defend Svalbard, and even tries to jump in when the troop gets in a skirmish anyways. Her mother always says she's just like her father when he was her age.

Species:Old World
Gender: Female
Color:Gold w.Bronze
Bond:Helleri Forgeronson
Birthplace:Starburst Weyr
Dam:Gold-Green Emynth
Sires:Silver Kyarath & Bronze Kadezath
Siblings:Clutch #1
Personality:Just as war-like as her bond, Kaieth is as fiery as her colors may suggest. Any that flies her better be in top shape, she'll surely give them the run of their lives.

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere