...Canti & Taamith...
Canti & Taamith

+ Stats + Story + Arrival +
+ Dou Pas River Denu + Darkling Dawn + Draco's Inferno Weyr +

Color:Dark Turquoise (rain)
Abilities:Able to maintain a constant rain with clouds at a level of five feet above the ground. Radius is initially seven feet - with time, training, and concentration, can be made into 35 feet.
BirthplaceDou Pas River Denu
Dam:Blue Female Mrreen
Sire:Green Male Prril
Siblings:Clutch #1
Bond:Gold-striped Black Taamith
Bonded at:Darkling Dawn
Personality:Bossy, rude, and slightly bitter, Canti had had no plans on actually hatching on the day she did, there had been no chosen for her. Unfortunately, her twin sister did have a Found on the sands and she broke shell for the both of them. So, instead she took to bossing her siblings around. Canti also often speaks wistfully of the day when she will find her Joined, hoping it will be sooner rather than later.

Flight History
#Caught ByWhere
1Avengaean Air Ladune SadenFur and Feathers Frenzy
w. Ladune--Green-striped Dark Turquoise Bhialica Saden
Green-striped Yellow Fhecitta Saden
Green-striped Turquoise Yalazi Saden

[ Hatchling | Weyrling ]

Breed:Old World/Cy Mutt
Color:Gold-striped Black
BirthplaceDarkling Dawn
Dam:Red-White striped Green Eusyscth
Sire:Red-striped Yellow Filijyn
Siblings:Clutch #19
Personality:A dragon of few words, Taamith feels he doesn't always need words to converse with someone. He prefers to project feelings and images to strangers, he only speaks with his bond and those he is comfortable with. He's become somewhat of a "character judge" among his friends, they know if he chooses to speak to someone, they are honest and can be trusted.

Flight History
1Green MeerethWonDarkling Dawn
2Cream/Pink AinothLostNidus Otykaii
w. MeerethWhite-striped Blue Soiuth
Brown-striped Green Bhomaeth
White-striped Black Evugith
Gold-Green Nethath
Black-striped Green Esofuth
Green Aroth